Whilst training for a recent marathon I chose to read a book for inspiration. The book was “Today We Die a Little – The Rise & Fall of Emil Zatopek – Olympic Legend” written by Richard Askwith. It’s a biography of Emil Zatopek – one of my all time running heros. It’s a great book and well worth reading should you get the chance. A passage in the book compares some of Zatopek’s olympic times against those of more recent events. That got me thinking about how man has generally gotten faster over time and how current day performances compare to those of the past. In turn that lead to a little bit of research and a particularly interesting video, which I’d like to share with you.

I don’t know about you but I like to watch TED talks on YouTube. There are many different topics that I find interesting and the speakers are generally very engaging and entertaining. It’s a fun way to learn some great stuff. The talk by David Epstein embedded below I found particularly enjoyable and informative.

I hope you appreciate it as much as I do.

Happy Running,

Coach D

About the author 

Coach D

Hi, I'm Dave. I'm a UK Athletics qualified and licensed Coach in Running Fitness (CiRF), Endurance Event Group Coach and Certified Running Technique Coach. I coach groups and individuals of all abilities both online and in person.

I particularly enjoy coaching beginner and improver runners in the 40+ age range.

I'm also a regular recreational runner and I've been competing in races from 5k to marathon distance for over 30 years.

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