
The qualities of a funny running meme are subjective. These are some of the memes I find most amusing.

Hope you enjoy them too, after all you have to have a sense of humour if you're an endurance runner...

A funny running meme with a cute kitten - what's not to like?
If only i had a penny for every time I'd uttered those words over the years...
Seems I'm definitely a "Runhole"!
Ouch, ouch, ouch...
I'm a type 1 - how about you? You can never have too many running shoes...
The old ones are the best ones - this one's a classic...
It's funny because it's so true...


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Such a fantastically well timed photograph - I laugh every time I see this...


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A post shared by The Memogram (@the_memogram_)

Wasn't sure whether to include this one or not. But what the heck, it's quite topical again as I post this - with a general election in a few weeks. Hello world - this is the UK's current Prime Minister...
This is how I feel most days...

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About the author 

Coach D

Hi, I'm Dave. I'm a UK Athletics qualified and licensed Coach in Running Fitness (CiRF), Endurance Event Group Coach and Certified Running Technique Coach. I coach groups and individuals of all abilities both online and in person.

I particularly enjoy coaching beginner and improver runners in the 40+ age range.

I'm also a regular recreational runner and I've been competing in races from 5k to marathon distance for over 30 years.

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